WTFDA Features: February 2010

February 2, 2010

Featured Skater: Shellby Shattered of the Boston Derby Dames! For those of you who don’t know, Shattered is a fucking phenomenal derby player. She can do anything and everything, and do it amazingly well. The first time she worked with me at a freshmeat practice, I felt so incredibly lucky because I was being instructed on how to play derby by Shellby effing Shattered. I am still absolutely terrified of her, and probably always will be. But, she is an incredible player and teacher, and I hope to one day call her my league-mate. (More like in 5 days… tick tock, tick tock…)

Featured League: Texas Rollergirls. Um, Texas is outstanding too. They’re #2 in the nation. But, they’re not Shattered. Sorry, Texas.

WFTDA Highlights

January 6, 2010

January 2010 Featured Skater: Hydra

January 2010 Featured Team: Oly

(Here’s the posting for December that I never mentioned in my blog:

December 2009 Featured Skater: Joy Collison

December 2009 Featured Team: Philly)

WFTDA Tournaments

July 30, 2009

A little something about myself: I like sports okay. I rarely go to games or even watch them on tv, so I’ve never really gotten into the whole seeding/tournament business. But roller derby, being the sport for people who don’t like sports (but sporty enough to be appreciated as a sport for those people who do), has changed all of that.

The WFTDA has released their second-quarter rankings and regional tournament structure. For the first time, I am so psyched to make bets on seedings and tournament outcomes.

Here’s the WFTDA regional tournament structure (or view it larger here):


Being that I’m fairly new to roller derby, I’m going to stick mainly with the East Coast Regionals, since that’s what I know best.

Gotham (New York), Philly, Charm City (Baltimore), Carolina, and Boston are the top 5 in the East, and their positions in those slots are pretty solid. Here’s the bracket that the Derby News Network has posted for them:

And here’s what I think/hope it’ll look like:

my_bracket_2009_eastThe Boston/Carolina bout should be the best nail-biter. At ECE (East Coast Extravaganza) last month, Carolina barely beat Boston 82-81. But I think if the Massacre can really focus and pull it together as a team,  they can come out on top. However, Gotham is a force to be reckoned with. I haven’t had the privilege of seeing them play live, but their reputation is known far and wide. They were champions last year, and I anticipate that they will continue their reign.

Philly is another solid team. I loved watching them bout against the Massacre. Also, I grew up in southern New Jersey, close to Philly, so we all rooted for the Philly teams. I will continue to do so during derby Regionals (after Boston, that is).

I hate putting Charm City over Boston, but they’re probably a slightly stronger team. When they played the Massacre in March, they really used the split pack rule to their advantage, which has since been remedied by the 4.0 rules. While I thought this was a bit of a cop-out, this probably showed (although I didn’t know it at the time), good communication and the ability to work as a team. The Massacre/Charm City game was only my second bout and I was still trying to figure things out, so I don’t think I soaked in much. But, if there’s one thing I remember clearly, it was being in awe of Joy Collison. I’m a fan of hers for life.

I’m not all that familiar with Steel City (Pittsburgh), Harrisburg, or Connecticut (except I know that the Massacre gave Connecticut quite a smackdown last weekend), so the placements for those teams are mostly based on current rankings.

And here’s (or here for another larger view) the WFTDA’s structure for Nationals that will take place in Philly November 13-15 where the top 12 teams from each region (East, West, North Central, South Central) will compete:


It would be really awesome to go. Especially if Boston ends up kicking ass and claiming the number 3 spot in the east! (In which case I think I’d HAVE to go.) And it’s pretty sweet that I can stay at my parents’ house for the weekend. Speaking of my parents…

My parents coming up to Boston August 15 and going to the Masssacre/Detroit and Cosmos/Pissahs bouts with us! I am SO excited!


When my mom called me last night to say that she and my dad wanted to come visit that weekend and I told her they would have to go watch roller derby with us, my mom sounded so excited and would not even consider coming up an alternative weekend. That made me very happy. I think my dad will really like it too.